| On October 4th 1957 the science of astronautics was thrust into the limelight when the first artificial satellite went into orbit around the Earth.
Politicians around the world scrambled
to catch up and understand the significance
of this enormous achievement. At that time
most of Canada's top engineers were employed
by such stalwart companies as De Havilland, Canadair and A.V. Roe
Aircraft. However, the flight of Sputnik opened up a frontier which
required a new breed of visionary missile-men. Men such as Phil Lapp.
Working from within De Havilland's newly formed missile division, Lapp
immediately recognised the new world that was opening up in Sputnik's
wake. Within a few weeks of that momentous event he organised a meeting
of his fellow engineers to inaugurate a "Canadian Astronautical Society"
at the De Havilland factory in Downsview Ontario. This meeting heralded
the birth of Canada's space program.
This book takes the reader on a journey from Dr Lapp's humble beginnings
in Toronto to the end of his life when he earned Canada's highest civilian
award, the Order of Canada. Related in his own words he explains what
led to Canada becoming one of the most respected forces in the world of
astronautics. From the Avro Arrow, the Alouette Satellite, the birth of Direct-
TV, to the Canadarm and Radarsat, Phil Lapp's story is an extraordinary
tale of a unique man working in a historic time, meticulously related from
his own uniquely Canadian perspective.
Comes with a DVD of the one hour documentary "Space Pioneers" by award winning film maker Rudy Buttignol.
|  Go to Item #33C in the shopping cart AVAILABLE NOW! $22.95 plus shipping Comes with bonus film, Space Pioneers ISBN 978-1926837-37-6 |